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1. Hate speech

Recently there has been a lot of hate speech going around due to certain political changes around the world. Even though Singapore may be small, we are still part of the world. How should we as Christians respond to hate speech being accepted as a civil norm?





2. Church-oriented

As a para-church organisation, we encourage our CF-ers to be involved in their churches, and believe that the church is the building block of the Christian community. There are certain things that our own churches do differently from CF. Yet, we all serve the same God. How can we use the experiences and lessons learnt from CF in our own churches to become better Christians?





3. Peer Pressure

We come across people of different values and beliefs every day. Even with our friends, we may have conflicting views about the different issues that we faced in our society. There may be times when our faith is being challenged. How should we respond without coming across as discriminative in such situations?





4. Conversational Evangelism

Many of us Christians want to be able to spread the gospel to our friends and the people we meet. However, most find it difficult to introduce the topic during normal conversations. Some have trouble explaining the gospel too. This workshop aims to address these worries, to provide effective conversation starters and to help build better confidence.





5. BGR – FYP

Most people look forward to getting into a relationship and to meet someone that will eventually become their partner for life. How should we as Christians approach this topic – How do we know that the person is the partner that God has planned for us? How do we prepare ourselves to be a Godly partner? What if God’s plan is for us to remain single? What should we look out for?





6. Spiritual Disciplines

As Christian students with commitments in church, fellowship and school, how can we balance everything and continue building a closer relationship with God? What are the different ways that we can go about doing to grow in knowledge and spiritually during our university period?


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